Wednesday 3 May 2017

Periodontal and gum care

It’s being taught to us to brush our teeth twice a day. We avoid so many foods to protect our teeth and smile. These precautions that we take give us an assurance that our teeth will live life long. But happens if the pain caused to your teeth doesn’t have to do anything with your teeth but the pain is arising from the gum part.
Apart from our teeth our gum is also an essential part of our life that requires our attention. Our ignorance towards our gums gives rise infections of bacteria which later on give rise to the inflammation and causes severe damage to the gum tissue part.
Our mouth is actually full of bacteria which is in constant contact with the saliva which later on this bacteria only forms colorless plaques on the teeth which is removed by the floss and brush but many times this is avoided by many people and after sometime these plaque turns into more harden part which is called tartar which can’t be removed by brushing and this causes inflammation and other damages to the teeth part.
In order to avoid these problems brush your teeth twice a day and still, if the problem remains then must choose the most renowned dentist the Richmond Dentist. Apart from that, also use floss to remove the plaques also changes your brush after every 3-4 months. If the problem persists then you can go for implant dentist.
The best way to resolve any dental problem is to find a good brush, toothpaste and brush your teeth twice every day. Also, change your brush after every 3 months because the worn bristle won’t be able to remove plaque in proper way. If the problem persist then just make your mind as it’s the time to see your dentist.

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